Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Setting Writing Goals

The things I want to accomplish this semester are mainly to organize and put into action my ideas. I had an amazing experience this summer and it’s only been a couple weeks and it already feels like the inspiration is slowly slipping through my fingers.
            I met incredible people who do so much to help others. I was there to see these people make sacrifices to do the best job; there were opportunities to slack and perhaps take an afternoon nap. But these people were constantly trying to improve the projects for the kids, filing paper work, making and preparing materials. What I value most about their work is the fact that I can trust them to do and choose the best for the kids.
            As we prepared to leave on the field study, our mentors and teachers emphasized our need to do reciprocity for those who we worked with and had hosted us. I tried to keep an eye open for anything I could do, but it wasn’t until the last few weeks that I realized what would actually be helpful for the organization.  It took some time to really see what would be most helpful. In the beginning I was thinking about the generic aid strategies, money, shoes, and yes those would be helpful but they’re a few more specific things that would help out the facilitators. They work a lot with the kids in big fields, and use athletic equipment every day.  Orange cones are used multiple times a day! They also need soccer balls, pumps, and paint to make materials.
            Just in case I didn’t catch what they needed just based on my observations, I asked the project coordinator what he thought would be a good contribution. It made me happy when he said, “Can you just stay here forever?” Later we discussed the possibility of starting a sponsoring program for the kids. The facilitators in El Salvador would seek out the cases that need the most help, and I would help to match them up with a sponsor here. We haven’t quite set up a system yet; maybe the sponsors can each be for a specific athletic equipment for one of the communities.
            This is where I need some planning, and organizing. How can I continue to help while I am here? Ultimately I would love to be able to set a somewhat self-sustaining system I can manage and advertize for.  I have thought about setting up a fundraiser, or “awareness” booth somewhere. And would these be the best ways to help? I can’t physically be there to help all of the time…even though I would love to. 
            I think writing will be a good chance to not only explore and develop the ideas born on this trip, but writing can also help me solidify my good intentions and actually make something happen. I am not out to change the world, but rather make those small changes that can make life a little easier for those who already give and do so much.  One thing for example, would be helping one of the facilitators finish his home. He works everyday teaching soccer to the kids; he has children of his own, and has been saving to finish his home for a while now. He only needs $300.  And I need to think of a way to let people know how to help. And to be completely honest, I believe I need some idea-development myself. Where there is a will there is a way!