Wednesday, January 25, 2012

science can beat it!

So, ive been reading... and there are these two types of mosquitos that carry the dengue fever. researchers are trying to find a way to eliminate them individually. which is good! but also it made me think about how this would affect the ecosystem.
The idea is to introduce this one insect that feeds on these mosquitos, that way avoiding pesticides and other harmful chemicals. my question is--how will this affect the rest of "the circle of life?"


  1. It's actually pretty interesting. I have read some stuff that suggests that mosquitoes filled with blood are actually a huge part of the nutrients in the food chain. Although maybe the things that eat mosquitoes can just eat the new insects that eat the mosquitoes instead.

  2. i found this article that talks about this other insecticide that is "organic" so maybe we can do something about it with out having to bring in a new species. the ideal thing to do.. would be to find a way to "cure" the mosquitos. either find a way to have them be immune to malaria. it would be easier to experiment on them that on humans. just a thought.
