Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today is Leap Day

I had no idea that conducting a study with live subjects would be such a complicated process. I understand that precautions are necessary and that even if we are gong down there to do good we can still accidentally do harm.
What really helped to put things into perspective was Ashley's example of the Indian laws. You have to have all these permits, and jump through hoops to go study the people in the reservations. But if they don't take these measures we would not have or be able to preserve that culture. It is the same for the places where we will be going.
Another thing that I've been thinking a lot about lately is decision making. When I was little I remember telling my mother that I hated making decisions, that I didn't want to decide anymore. I think this came about because I had to chose who I would stay with when my parents divorced. It wasn't really a question that I would stay with my mother... but still I had to voice this "decision". To the day I have to make decisions every day. Most of the time they are easy, and the church helps me decide what will be best for me.
The reason why I bring it up, is because while in El Salvador I will me forced to make decision that I am not use to making here. For example, riding in the back of pickup truck or eating mango prepared on the street. What decisions will I make that can keep me safe while down there. If I ride in the back of trucks I will be putting myself in danger, even though in some areas this is the only public transportation. And eating things prepared on the street-- I had an uncle who had to be flown to America after eating some street food. He was very ill and nearly died. I grew up with these foods, but I have to take into consideration that it has been years since I don't intake those foods. I want to do what the church recommends. Make the decision now, so that when you are presented with the choice you will have already chosen. I think this is a good way to go about it. Maybe trying to find a ride that does not endanger my life will be worth the wait, and maybe waiting to prepare my mangos at home will keep me healthier.
These are just some of the examples of choices that I will need to plan for. Things that we don't even think about here. Even finding a place to sleep that has a ventilator or a mosquito net is essential. It would be very bad if I got dengue while trying to help the dengue cause...

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